Çözüldü Solving Problems Using Proportionality and One-Variable Equations

Konusu 'Sayı-Kesir,İşçi-Havuz ve Yaş,Karışım Problemleri,İstatistik ve Grafik' forumundadır ve Honore tarafından 9 Nisan 2024 başlatılmıştır.

  1. Honore

    Honore Yönetici Yönetici

    Müh. (Elk./Bilg.)
    If 12 liters of water are needed to fill a jerrycan after 4/7 of the water in the jerrycan is used and two-thirds of the remaining water is used up, what is the total capacity of the jerrycan?

    A) 84
    B) 63
    C) 56
    D) 35
    E) 14

    Solution - 1:
    The capacity of the jerry can: x pieces
    6 pieces =======> 12 liters
    1 piece ========> 2 liters
    x = 7 pieces = 7·2 = 14 liters.

    Solution - 2:
    The capacity of the jerry can: x liters
    x - [ (x - 4x / 7) - (x - 4x / 7)·(2 / 3) ] = 12 ⇒ x = 14 liters.

    Check By WolframAlpha: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x - [ (x - 4x / 7) - (x - 4x / 7)(2/3) ] = 12

    Note: Solving the equation is homework for the interested students.

    Kaynak: FDD Dershaneleri, Final "Matematik - 1, Konu Anlatımlı", Sayfa 106, Örnek 4

  2. Benzer Konular: Solving Problems
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